SofTrack - Free 30-Day Evaluation Request

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Evaluator Guides:

SofTrack Software Metering,
Smart Inventory,
Audit and Control

SofTrack Quick Inventory
and Change Tracking

Free Evaluation | Metering and Licensing News | Company Info

Privacy Policy

Tell us about your environment:

Server Platforms:
Windows Windows/Citrix Terminal Server
   NetWare Linux Other

Client Platforms: 
Windows Windows/Citrix Thin Client
   Macintosh Linux Other

Number of Windows Workstations
Number of Thin Clients
Number of Macintosh Workstations

Tell us about yourself:

* Your email address will only be used to fulfill this request.
Job Title:
State/Country: Zip/Postal Code:
Phone: Fax:

What is your Role? (Please select all that apply):
Decision Maker Approval Evaluator Researcher Other
What is your Timeframe to Purchase?:
What is your budget:
Please check any that apply:
Our organization has a formal IT Asset Management plan

Our organization has a formal License Compliance plan

What features of SofTrack most appeal to you?
(Please select all that apply.):
Smart Inventory - discovering where applications are installed and frequency of use including detecting unused applications
Quick Inventory of your workstations' applications and hardware
Inventory Change Tracking of your workstations' applications and hardware
Denying creation/modification/renaming of .EXE and .COM files
Auditing of all files opened, created and copied
Auditing of browser access attempts by Internet Explorer
Denying internet browsing by Internet Explorer while allowing local access
Blocking use of selected applications such as SETUP.EXE
Restricting Concurrent use of selected applications
Real-time Alerting of high levels of concurrent use
Passive monitoring of application use
Tracking server-hosted DATA files
Timekeeping and billing back application use
Discovering applications used at each workstation
Metering and usage detection of Macintosh workstations

Tell us about the applications you will audit and control with SofTrack:
CAD/CAM Statistical Adobe Office Suites Games Macromedia Libraries/Databases In-House/Custom All
Other applications will you audit and control with SofTrack:

How did you find us?
Click here if you would like to schedule a FREE feature and benefits telephone call with a Senior SofTrack Specialist.

Note: Your evaluation request will be processed within the next business day.

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Integrity Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 163902
Austin, TX 78716
Website Security Question

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Post Office Box 163902, Austin, TX 78716
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