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Welcome to SofTrack's Metering and Licensing News page.
This page is dedicated to tracking of news regarding software license compliance activities from around the world.
License Compliance News:
Last Update: May 7, 2004
Organizations that have been fined
North American enforcement guidelines
Independent Licensing News
News from Vendors
General Licensing News
License Compliance in the United Kingdom
Organizations that have been fined
Hayward company settles claims over unlicensed software
Insurance specialists Alcos fined $75,000
Software crackdown hits three Bay Area companies
BSA fines Scottish council
Three firms fined for illegal software use
Graphics Software Makers Launch New Campaigns Against Piracy
Overland Kansas firm fined $200,000
Tucson Arizona firm fined $65,000
BSA fines firms using products they haven't paid for
Piracy watchdogs fine eight firms for unlicensed software
Royal Wolf fined $52,000 for illegal software
Company pays for unlicensed software
North American Enforcement Guidelines
Get advice before filing BSA audit
Texas software piracy rises
BSA calls for zero tolerance on software piracy
What are the repercussions of a BSA audit?
CAAST settles with eight Canadian companies for software piracy
To Catch A Thief
SIIA Announces First Cash Award to Software Piracy Whistleblower
Independent Licensing News
Considering Outsourcing? Managed licences may slip through the net
Piracy can sneak up on you
Digital downloads defeat piracy policies
Gartner Report: Software disposal: Old software never dies
Don’t gamble your company on unlicensed software
Know your software assets
Vendors clamp down on license compliance
Time bombs ticking in the cupboard
Gartner Report: Software Assets: Managing the Bottom Line
Agencies keep track of IT assets
Licensing: Software by the numbers
Software Vendors the New IRS?
Do Vendors Use Software Audits to Scare Up New Contracts?
Don’t Blow a Deal in Due Diligence: Add Software Licensing Compliance to Your Checklist
Cyber Cafe: Hard Facts About Software Licensing
Tell It to the Judge
Engineering CIOs find new ways to combat unlicensed software
New BSA Survey Indicates Campus Attitudes Invite Software Piracy
Keep track of your software licenses (University of Delaware)
News from Vendors
Chart: Vendors and their licensing policies
Microsoft warning over system piracy
Firms step-up software protection
Autodesk Steps Up Anti-Piracy Efforts
Recording industry sues students for illegal file-sharing
Software licensing - what's the problem?
General Licensing News
US free trade pact set to deter software piracy in Singapore
Top Ten Technology Resolutions for 2003
Microsoft loses showdown in Houston
Time to audit your software and cough up for licenses
South Africa: Software pirates get 90-day amnesty
MidEast to be 70 percent piracy-free
License Compliance in the United Kingdom
Software compliance: reducing the cost of ownership - fact or fiction?
Outsourcing : Got a software licence? Make sure your customers do too
User fury over Fast and BSA tactics
MPs call for independent software licensing body
Risks of unlicensed software escalate
Companies being 'bullied' into software audits
Software piracy – the BSA wants to help you to be compliant
Check software compliance following a merger, warns FAST
Unlicensed software use could mean prison
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