SofTrack Audit, Control, Software Metering and License Compliance
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We are presenting this archived article to help you understand the importance of proper software license compliance in your environment.

Managing your software license compliance is very important. Maintain your integrity with SofTrack Software Metering and Quick Inventory. SofTrack has been designed for use with all versions of Windows, Windows/Citrix thin clients, and Macintosh OS9 / OSX workstations. SofTrack can be installed on all versions of Windows® and NetWare® servers.

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 Archived Software License Compliance News

Recording industry sues students for illegal file-sharing

On April 3, 2003, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed suit directly against four students for running file-sharing networks on their campuses. Although the RIAA was willing to settle this time, with each student paying between $12,000 and $17,000, fines of up to $250,000 per title could have been imposed.

The North Dakota University System receives approximately 40 notices weekly with regard to Federal Copyright Law violations. Up until now, NDSU has handled copyright infringement issues internally and somewhat informally. If a complaint is received, then we have an obligation to follow up in effort to investigate and stop such activity. This option may be taken away from us in the very near future, as the RIAA brings lawsuits directly against individuals for sharing copyrighted music, movies, software and other files.

Sharing copyrighted material through the Internet could lead to fines and imprisonment under federal law. Inappropriate use of our networks to illegally disseminate copyrighted materials will not be tolerated at NDSU.

*NOTES* SofTrack can be used to Audit files downloaded from the Internet -and- SofTrack can be used to entirely BLOCK web access via Internet Explorer.

First published May 6, 2003

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